Month: February 2006

  • Last day

    You know, it's the last day before I leave, and COMMENTS ARE SERIOUSLY LACKING. . I expect more next post!
    As always,
    Much love

  • TWO DAYS!!!

    Heck yes! Just two days till I leave for Colorado! I can't wait. . Me and one of my best friends Jamie Phelps are leaving for a glorious week of beautiful snow. We're trying to convince my mom to take us into Denver to look around, shop a little. Who knows, we might just ski and stay in Starbucks! Lol. Nah, we're gonna shop, It's Jamie's passion. I'm more of the watching type! Lol, I can't wait to see snow though, i've been hoping for snow all winter, and all we've gotten is ice. So yeah. I can't wait. I'm already packing, I leave friday morning, I've just bought four new books yesterday and I'm almost through the first one as of seventh period today. So i've gotta go and wash clothes for friday. So, yeah, toodles!

    As always
    much love

  • Another Icy day

    Another day stuck in the house, I just about went insane. Good news is that I got new books in the bargain. New layout, Sakura Blossoms are my favorite. Watching the Pairs Figure Skating. It's WAY better live. Just a quick entry.

    As always,
    Much love,

  • Randomness is a beautiful thing

    I've been tagged. .

    Four jobs you have had in your life:
    1. Counciler at an equestrian camp at my farm
    2. CIT at my Girlscout camp
    3. Babysitter..

    Four movies you could watch over and over:
    A knights tale
    The King and I
    Harry Potter and the sorcers stone

    Four places you've lived:
    West Monroe, LA
    Monroe Louisiana
    Dallas Texas
    Chatham for three weeks of my summer

    Four TV shows you love to watch:
    Neon Genesis Evangelion
    Fooly Cooly
    Dominion Tank Police

    Places you've been on vacation:
    I'll just do four. .
    Tokyo Japan
    Alexandria Egypt

    Four of your favorite foods:
    Shipleys doughnuts
    Kolatches from Haskles

    Four places you'd rather be right now:
    Girlscout camp
    The barn

    Four sites you visit daily:
    Anime message boards
    Harry Potter message boards(Like six. . )

    And! I tag

    as always,
    Much love

  • On The Weekend

    You know. My plans have been spoiled by the weather. Now. Because it is cold. I maynot be allowed to go to the parade. It's supposed to be sleeting. It's already sleeting in Downsville. So, I may just sit in my car and listen to the sleet hit my windshield. That's always fun. But I'll end up having to go to Walgreens today. Or Brookshires. We're out of Firelogs...Again. . So. wood and Firelogs. I wish someone would come and help me haul wood in from the back. That's heavy stuff. Especially when you're tryingt o get it all done at once and you're hauling 15 pieces at once in a little firewood carrier. Lol, i'm so sad. Is anyone still going to the parade? Comment me, I have to go and dig out my warm fluffy sweat pants. Lol. Toodles!
    As always.
    Much Love,

    P.S I finnished the Queen's own fool! AWSOME! It's about Mary Queen of Scots READ IT!


  • Wow, thanks ya'll. . I really appreciate the MASSIVE comments. Thankyou Chelsea! She's the only one of all you suckers that loves me. So pooh on you all. Well, this week has been rather un-eventful. We've been going outside for PE. If only we could talk Madame Clary into letting us go outside. That would be amazing. As many of you may have realized that Valentines day was this last Tuesday, {Happy Birthday Frankie}. Another positively dismal holiday. However, this saturday will be absolutely amazing. Mardi Gras is gonna kick some serious pants! Lol. I can't wait. If anyone's gonna go i'll be down at the Levee on Riverside with one of my AWSOME friends Barret. So, come and see me ya hobos! Lol.

    I saw the Tempest last saturday. If you haven't been GO! It's a lot of fun. . . What else can I ramble about? I have no idea. . Anyone got some funny fundraisers? Leave me comments!

    as always,

    Much love,


  • Aren't Fridays supposed to be chill?

    You know, the first few hours of the morning were awsome. . untill I got to third hour. . Then it kinda dipped. But fourth hour wsa fun, we reveiwed for our test and attempted to do these silly shading things. Then, I leave for lunch and i'm going home turning onto Thomas road from the service road next to Walmart and I hit something. I just thought I knicked the curb turns out that I hit something and punctured my tire. . How crappy is that? I thought that there was something wrong with my muffler, so, I run into my house and tell my dad, he tells me to take his truck back to school and he'd get it towed. Then as i'm getting my purse he decided that he's going to drop me off. So i'd be stranded and stuck at school and be late for a hair appointment. So Daddy decided that I wasn't going back and that i'm going to sit at home in my sweat shirt and boxers, dry my pants and go get my car. SO, that's been my day so far. I'm trying to go and see the Tempest tomorrow. If anyone want's to go lemme know! I've gotta go. I have to clean again. So i'm out!
    As always,
    Much love,

    Call me if you wanna do something! If you ain't got the number, i'm sorry!

    You Are Fozzie Bear

    "Wocka! Wocka!"

    You're the life of the party, and you love making people crack up.

    If only your routine didn't always bomb!

    You may find more groans than laughs, but always keep the jokes coming.

    You Were a Horse

    You can't be fenced in - you long to run free.

    You are good at overcoming obstacles and realizing your potential.

    Your Stripper Song Is

    Barbie Girl by Aqua

    "I'm a Barbie girl in the Barbie world

    Life in plastic, it's fantastic

    You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

    Imagination, life is your creation"

    You're hilarious and cute - yet you still pull off sexy!


    Your Hair Should Be Purple

    Intense, thoughtful, and unconventional.

    You're always philosophizing and inspiring others with your insights.

    Wow, I knew there was a reason that I liked my hair Purple.

  • You Are The Fool

    You are a fascinating person who is way beyond the concerns of this world.

    Young at heart, you are blissfully unaware of any dangers ahead.

    You are a true wanderer - it has be difficult finding your place in this world.

    Full of confidence, you are likely to take a leap of faith.

    Your fortune:

    You are about to embark on a new phase in your life.

    This may mean changing locations, jobs, friends, or love status.

    You are open about what the future will bring, and free of worry.

    You have made your peace with fate, and you're ready to start down your new path.

    Who Should Paint You: Gustav Klimt

    Sensual and gorgeous, you would inspire an enchanting portrait..

    With just enough classic appeal to be hung in any museum!

    You Have a Melancholic Temperament

    Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.

    You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.

    You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.

    Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.

    You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.

    Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.

    At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.

    You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.

    You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.

    Well that's enough for me. I've gotta run, I'm ungrounded. . So i've gotta fly

    As always,
    Much love,


    I'm not posting untill I get at LEAST 10 comments. . Though more would be appreciated.