Month: March 2006

  • Hee hee

    Well, thanks for the comments. I didn't go to school today, I injured myself once again, torn cartilidge in my ribs, and possibly a broken rib on the left side. . lol well anywho. .I've gotta go Ice my ribs!
    As always,
    Much love

  • FOUND!!!!!

    Anyone Missing a ONE EYED Lasa Apsha .. Or however you spell it, he's really sweet. .And I'm sure whoever lost him wants him back. SOO Lemme know if you know of anyone.!



    I took the Southern test. . hee hee. . here are my results.
    68% Dixie. Just under the Mason-Dixon Line

  • Shamrox Happy St. Patricks day.

    Well, today was sucky except for my riding, it was AWSOME. . . . My mum thought I had a fractured skull. Okay, yes, I know it sounds odd, but lemme tell you the story. I was at the Farm today, and..As I was closing the door on my trailor. the window on the door you see, opens down. SO! It fell and As it fell, it bashed me in the head. Well, needless to say, I saw stars and asked Mrs.Mollie If my head was bleeding, It wasn't so I finnished my job and went home. BUT, as I was driving home I was insanely dizzy. So, I got home as fast and safely as I could, And I cried most of the way home. I came into my house crying still, and my dad says,"Did you wreck the car?" I shook my head and then I told him, that I hit my head really hard. SOO! He asked me if I had felt sick to my stomach. Yes, dizzy, YES! and all those other questions, THEN he tells me that I might have a concussion, or a skull fracture. If it had been a skull fracture, I wasn't allowed to ride for a month. SO, I went to Glenwood. And they did a test, and determined I was fine, and that it just hurt like crap. . . .So, I'm going back home with daddy, and my momma insists on cheking me for herself so I have to go to CONWAY too. WELL, after that, I got to go and see Ronnie, I haven't seen him in FOREVER! It was good to see my 'children' LOL (NOT REALLY IT"S A LONG STORY) Well, I'm going to go and see V for Vendetta tomorrow. .It should be Loverly! Well, till later!
    As always,
    Much love,

    Anyone know if someone's missing a one eyed Lasa Ahpsa? Shitzu looking thing? He's really sweet, and, his name, is apparently Jack. REALLY sweet dog. He's basically living with me right now. SO! Lemme know if anyone knows about him.

  • Tomorrow, tomorrow. .

    Okay, this hasn't been the 'best' Spring break ever, but it hasn't been the worst either. My parent's are going insane, my mom's gone on a cleaning spree. . I'm cleaning too, but not like that. .Umm, well, if ANYONE wants to to ANYTHING this weekend, anything at all. . PLEASE! Call me. .348-6533. . . I wanna do something Tomorrow, even if it's just riding around. .It's my favorite holiday, and I wanna celebrate.
    So untill we meet on the Lock!
    As always,
    Much Love,

  • Back from Dallas!

    Wow, I had a great time.. . and I found my dress! it's so pretty! It's a really springy green color. .I like it a LOT! I'm so happy I found something that fits. It's hard to find really pretty things to fit. . SO! I lucked out. Hee hee! I also got three pairs of pretty shoes. .Then. . I talked my mom into hitting the outlets In Terrell on the way home. Yes, I love Old Navy, it's incredible, I can find anything i like to fit me! SO it's late, i'm tired, and i'll catch you on the flip side!

    As always,
    Much love,

    You're 75% Irish

    You're very Irish, and most likely from Ireland.

    (And if you're not, you should be!)

  • Anime My Anti Drug..

    Before the end of this Spring Break, I will be have watched all of the Anime at Blockbuster. I've watched four as of tonight, and i'd already seen several of them. So, Friday night, I watched The Cat Returns. Then Saturday, I watched Escaflowne. Now, tonight, i'm going to watch Steamboy, and Wrath of The ninja...I'm looking forward to it. Sooo! Wish me luck, and I've gotten my cellphone back, so, call me!

    as always,
    Much Love,


    Just FYI. . Poprocks and Coke are amazing. . I did the experiment with the serious stomachache, and got it. . I'm still experienceing the after effects. . Lol. TRY IT!!!


    You ever just get so burnt out on stuff that you get sick of everything but stuff you never do? Like watch movies and clean? Or is that just me? Just a random thought. .

  • Guess what....

    Some of you may know the magic that is Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza, and for those of you that dont...I pity you. But for those of you that do, guess who i'm gonna get to meet! TONY DANZA! Oh yeah! I'm special! I'm also gonna get their NEW album! SIGNED! OH YEAH!!! I'M Special!Whoot! But that's all for now, just thought i'd share the elation! So untill later!

    As always,
    Much love,


    Oh and just one last tidbit, THE LEAD SINGER CALLED MY HOUSE!

  • Wednesday

    Two days untill we get out for spring break! Isn't that awsome? Well, it's official I absolutely loath AM GOV. It's the worst class ever.. Mrs.Johnson come back!!! Well, other than that, alls been pretty good, umm. .well,if anyone cares. The frogs are doing great! And since i'm at a loss for words. .I'll end this here!

    as always,
    much love,

    OH! and btw, i'm acctually reading the script for the End of Evangelion not watching it.

    Your Luck Quotient: 67%

    You have a high luck quotient.

    More often than not, you've felt very lucky in your life.

    You may be randomly lucky, but it's probably more than that.

    Optimistic and open minded, you take advantage of all the luck that comes your way.

    Your Scholastic Strength Is Developing Ideas

    You can take a spark of inspiration and turn it into a full fledged concept.

    You are talented at brainstorming, visualizing, organizing, and independent thinking.

    You should major in:

    Natural sciences

    Computer science

    Creative writing




    You Are 64% Open Minded

    You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.

    Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.

    But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.

    You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself.

  • Sunday

    Another weekend spent doing absolutely nothing. . Sitting on my bum watching movies, reading, going to the barn. Nothing out of the ordinary. .Did I mention that I lost my phone again? Yeah. .Where ever it is, it hasn't got service. But it's on! Lol sooo, if by chance you happen to find it. . Lemme know. .I'd like it back.Lol.. well, awsome new background. I think Gerard is quite pretty. . lol.

    as always,
    much love,

  • Herman and Millie

    For anyone that cares. . . . I have stolen the Frogs from their neglected environment at NBS. .And Since there was only one left, I bought him a friend. They're basically my frogs now. .I'm going to start bringing them home to keep over the weekend. Because No one cares about them. . And I feel bad about them not being loved. . So I love them now. . I've gotta fly though. . things to do. .

    as always
    much love